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- 13 Aspen Economic Strategy Group Reports related to the American Jobs and Families Plans
- 14 Facts about US Investments in Infrastructure and R&D
- 2024 Job Market Recap: Slow but Steady Labor Market Growth
- A Policy Agenda to Develop Human Capital for the Modern Economy
- A Policymaker’s Guide to Labor Force Participation
- A Proposal for an Enhanced Partially Refundable Child Tax Credit
- A Renter Safety Net: A Call for Federal Emergency Rental Assistance
- Addressing Inequities in the US K-12 Education System
- AESG Member Statement in Support of Immediate Pandemic Relief
- AESG Member Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Crisis
- AESG Member Statement on Economic Policy Priorities
- AESG Member Statement: A Call for US Leadership on Global Vaccination Efforts
- America and International Trade Cooperation
- April 2024 CPI Report: A Step in the Right Direction
- April 2024 Jobs Report: A Best-Case Scenario for the Fed?
- April 2024 Jobs Report: Steady-As-She-Goes Labor Market
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group Examines Challenges and Opportunities of the Post-Pandemic Economy in New Policy Volume
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group Releases 2023 Annual Policy Volume: Building a More Resilient US Economy
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group Releases New Policy Analyses Examining the US Infrastructure Agenda
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group Releases New Policy Analysis on Why and How to Expand US Immigration
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group Welcomes Five New Members
- Aspen Economic Strategy Group welcomes seven new members
- August 2024 Jobs Report: The Summer Slowdown Continues
- Biden should embrace a carbon tax
- Book Launch Recap: Strengthening America’s Economic Dynamism
- Book: Building a More Resilient US Economy
- Book: Economic Policy in a More Uncertain World
- Bringing Jobs to People: Improving Local Economic Development Policies
- Brookings Institution: Six reasons why an expanded Child Tax Credit or child allowance should be part of the US safety net
- Business Continuity Insurance in the Next Disaster
- Business Insider: The Math Is Clear: Universal Basic Income Is A Terrible Idea
- Can Innovation Policy Restore Inclusive Prosperity in America?
- Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses to Market Concentration
- Challenges of a Clean Energy Transition and Implications for Energy Infrastructure Policy
- Chronicle of Higher Education Op-Ed: Yes, College is ‘Worth It’
- Climate Convexity: The Inequality of a Warming World
- Climate Policy Enters Four Dimensions
- Concerns About Concentration
- COP27 and Climate Inequality
- Creating Economic Opportunity for More Americans Through Productivity Growth
- Data-Driven Opportunities to Scale Reemployment Opportunities and Social Insurance for Unemployed Workers During the Recovery
- Economic Perspectives on Infrastructure Investment
- Economic Strategy for Higher Wages and Expanded Labor Participation
- Eight Questions—and Some Answers—on the US Fiscal Situation
- Expanding Economic Opportunity for More Americans
- Expanding Economic Opportunity for More Americans: Foreword
- Figure 1: 2019 Federal Spending Per Capita, by Age
- Figure 1: 2019-2022 NAEP Math Score Changes vs. Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Rates
- Figure 1: Annual percent change in the US population, 1900-2021
- Figure 1: Average TFP growth in the United States
- Figure 1: Components of the Federal Deficit or Surplus as a Percentage of GDP, 1940–2053
- Figure 1: Employment in energy extraction, refining, and electricity generation, 2021
- Figure 1: Federal debt held by the public, 1940-2053
- Figure 1: Federal Spending and Revenues as a Share of GDP Since 1980
- Figure 1: Foreign-born population 1850-2020
- Figure 1: Income and Expenditures over the Pandemic
- Figure 1: Per Capita GDP Ratio (China/US)
- Figure 1: Semiconductor Supply Chain Investments Announced from May 2020 to June 2023
- Figure 1: Share of the US population 65 and older
- Figure 1: SSA’s projections for the OASDI trust fund: 2004 versus 2023
- Figure 1: Trend in US general fertility rate
- Figure 1: US Medicine Spending Levels and Segmentation by Channel, 2016-2021
- Figure 10: Annual Return to Human Capital, 1990-2021
- Figure 10: Average federal tax rates by income bracket, 1979-2019
- Figure 10: PBM rebate arrangements for traditional and speciality medications in employer-sponsored plans, by employer size, 2014 vs. 2018
- Figure 10: Share of inventors employed on young firms
- Figure 11: Optimal US R&D subsidy, over different bilateral tariff rates
- Figure 11: The Median Medicare Part D Plan: Total Cost by Drug
- Figure 12: Optimal tariff policy and innovation over varying levels of trade openness
- Figure 12: Share of Medicare Part D Drug Costs Paid by Enrollees, Plans, Drug Manufacturers, and Medicare, 2023-2025
- Figure 13: Distribution and Reimbursement of Provider-Administered Outpatient Drugs: Buy-And-Bill
- Figure 13: Foreign corporate venture capital as a share of all us venture capital investment
- Figure 14: Impact of foreign investment on firm patents and citations
- Figure 14: Median Generic Prices Relative to Brand Price Before Generic Entry: Average Manufacturer Price (AMP)
- Figure 15: Downward Trend in ASP for Biosimilars and Reference Products Over Time
- Figure 15: Inventors and parental income
- Figure 16: Biosimilar Uptake Curve
- Figure 16: United States Tax Reform Act of 1986 and inventor migration
- Figure 17: Medicare’s Market Share for the 84 Most Expensive Part B Drugs in 2015
- Figure 17: Patents and the income share of the top 1 percent
- Figure 18: Public R&D expenditure as a fraction of GDP
- Figure 1A: Gross expenditures on R&D (GERD) and R&D intensity: 2019 or most recent data year, top 17 countries
- Figure 1B: Gross domestic expenditures on R&D, by selected country: 1990-2019
- Figure 2: Children ever born by Mother’s age, by Mother’s birth cohort
- Figure 2: Consumer Spending in Billions, Small vs. Large-Molecule Products, 2013-2017
- Figure 2: Employment in fossil fuel extraction and refining, 200 and 2019
- Figure 2: Federal deficit and surplus, 1963-2053
- Figure 2: Federal revenues and outlays as a share of GDP
- Figure 2: Income and Expenditures over the Great Recession
- Figure 2: Net international migration inflows 2011-2021
- Figure 2: Pandemic-Induced Learning Loss Higher for Minority School Districts and Share of Students Learning Remotely
- Figure 2: Percentage Change in Concentration of Import Sources of IPEF Countries, 2010-2021
- Figure 2: Population change and its components, 2001-2021
- Figure 2: Ratio of covered workers to Social Security beneficiaries
- Figure 2: Share of Federal Outlays by Category, 2019
- Figure 2: The Rise of Pass-Through Businesses
- Figure 2: United States vs. China by GDP, 1990-2006
- Figure 2: US R&D expenditures, by funding source: 1990 – 2020
- Figure 2: Widening labor productivity gap
- Figure 2(a): CBO Projections for Federal Spending and Revenues, 2008–2053
- Figure 2(b): CBO Projections for Federal Spending and Revenues, 2008–2053
- Figure 3: Actual and projected annual deficits for Social Security
- Figure 3: Annual Economic Growth Rate of US and China, 1980-2026
- Figure 3: Annual FDA Drug Approvals by Product Type, 1998-2020
- Figure 3: Average funds per capita versus Congressional Representation and Congressional Democratic party share
- Figure 3: Components of federal outlays as a share of GDP
- Figure 3: Distribution of green card admission types, average 2011-2019
- Figure 3: Employment in electric power generation and natural gas distribution, 2000 and 2019
- Figure 3: Firm entry and exit rates and the employment share of young firms in the United States
- Figure 3: Government Spending Shares Within Age Groups, by Major Category, 2019
- Figure 3: Import and Export Shares for IPEF Countries, by Selected Partners, 2021
- Figure 3: R&D funding, by type of funding and sector: 2019
- Figure 3: Share of US population 65 and older, 2000-2053
- Figure 3: Top Income Sources in 2019
- Figure 3: Total fertility rate in the United States and other high-income countries
- Figure 4: Business Wealth as a Component of Top Wealth Portfolios
- Figure 4: China’s Exports, Imports, and Total Trade Relative to GDP, 1952-2022
- Figure 4: Components of federal revenues as a share of GDP
- Figure 4: Employment in energy intensive manufacturing, 2000 and 2019
- Figure 4: Estimated shortfall from 2020 (Q2) – 2022 (Q2)
- Figure 4: Federal, State/Local, and Private Philanthropic Spending Per Capita, by Age Group, 2019
- Figure 4: Gross job reallocation
- Figure 4: Parsing the change in the federal deficit, 2024-2053
- Figure 4: Pending USCIS petitions 2013-22
- Figure 4: R&D performance, by type of funding and sector: 2019
- Figure 4: Share of US Electronics Imports for China and Vietnam, 2010-2021
- Figure 4: Size of the US working-age (25-54) population
- Figure 4: Social Security PIA versus AIME benefit formula in 2022
- Figure 4: Total US Retail Prescription-Drug Spending, 2017
- Figure 5: Different vintages of federal debt projections, 2000-2053
- Figure 5: Federal R&D funding by agency: 2022 ($MILLIONS)
- Figure 5: Firm growth rate dispersion in the United States
- Figure 5: Indexed tax base shortfalls and surpluses based on simple linear forecasts
- Figure 5: Marginal Value of Public Funds (Ratio of Benefits to Net Government Costs), by Age of Beneficiary
- Figure 5: Per Capita Gross Regional Product in China in 2022, by Province or Region
- Figure 5: Social Security Administration fertility assumptions, 2021
- Figure 5: Social Security lifetime benefit-to-tax ratios
- Figure 5: Social Security’s full retirement age by year of birth
- Figure 5: The Decline of Effective Corporate Tax Rates
- Figure 5: The decline of employment in coal mining
- Figure 5: The US Pharmacy Distribution and Reimbursement System for Patient-Administered, Outpatient Brand-Name Drugs
- Figure 6: Different vintages of federal noninterest spending and revenues projections, 2000-2053
- Figure 6: Direct funding of business R&D and Tax Incentives for R&D, United States: 2000-2018
- Figure 6: Impact of the decline of coal on employment, earnings, and population
- Figure 6: MVPF vs. Per Capita Spending, by Age
- Figure 6: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Off-Invoice Discounts, Rebates, and Price Concessions, 2008-2022
- Figure 6: Registry of patents
- Figure 6: Relationship between female labor force participation rates and total fertility rates in OECD countries
- Figure 6: Social Security benefit to earnings replacement rates at age 65
- Figure 6A: Presence of State Capital in the Chinese Economy
- Figure 6B: Fraction of the Chinese Economy Occupied by SOEs, by Government Investment Level
- Figure 7: Actual and projected interest rate on 10-year Treasury notes, 1992-2033
- Figure 7: Annual Value of Foreign Direct Investment Transactions Between the US and China, 2000-2020
- Figure 7: Growth in List and Net Prices Per Treatment Course or Annual Treatment Supply in Select Categories (2012-2017)
- Figure 7: Impact of the decline of coal on government transfers
- Figure 7: Reassignment of patents
- Figure 8: GDP and TFP Growth in China, 1978-2022
- Figure 8: Impact of the decline of coal on government transfers
- Figure 8: Projected debt/GDP under alternative assumptions, 2023, 2033, and 2053
- Figure 8: Self-citation and claim length patterns
- Figure 8: Type of Cost Sharing for Prescription Drug Benefits, Employer-Sponsored Plans Without High Deductibles, by Benefit Tier, 2022
- Figure 9: 90-50 differential in high-tech sector
- Figure 9: Average Cost Sharing by Prescription Drug Tier, Employer-Sponsored Plans, 2022
- Figure 9: Evolutions of TFP Growth Rates for Selective Economies as a Function of their Relative Per Capita GDP to the US
- Figure 9: Federal spending and revenues, 1963-2053
- Figure A1: Impact of the decline of coal on population headcounts by age cohort
- Figure A2: Change in employment in energy industries, 2000 to 2019
- Figure A3: Fossil fuel extraction, refining, and distribution plus energy intensive manufacturing
- Financial Times Op-Ed: America’s slowing population growth is here to stay
- Fiscal Policy With High Debt and Low Interest Rates
- FOR AG REVIEW Forthcoming Book: Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy
- Foreword: Building a More Resilient US Economy
- Foreword: Economic Policy in a More Uncertain World
- Foreword: Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism
- Foreword: Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy
- Harnessing the Power of Markets to Solve the Climate Problem
- High and Rising US Federal Debt: Causes and Implications
- How Minimum Zoning Mandates Can Improve Housing Markets and Expand Opportunity
- How much have childcare challenges slowed the US jobs market recovery?
- In Brief: Building Security in the Semiconductor Supply Chain
- IN BRIEF: Cutting the Safety Net Is Not an Effective Way to Reduce Government Spending
- IN BRIEF: Entrepreneurship Since the COVID-19 Pandemic
- IN BRIEF: Pandemic-Era Student Learning Loss and the Policy Response
- IN BRIEF: The College Wage Premium Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
- In Brief: The Recent Rise in US Labor Productivity
- IN BRIEF: The Who, What, and Why of Declining College Enrollment, 2019-2021
- IN BRIEF: The Wide Class Divide in Family Structure
- Internet Access and its Implications for Productivity, Inequality, and Resilience
- Introduction: Building a More Resilient US Economy
- Introduction: Economic Policy in a More Uncertain World
- Introduction: Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism
- Introduction: Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy
- Introduction: Strengthening America’s Economic Dynamism
- Introduction: The Need to Expand Economic Opportunity
- Is the Decline of the Middle Class Greatly Exaggerated?
- July 2024 CPI Report: Trending Towards Two
- June 2024 CPI Report: The Summer Cooldown Continues
- June 2024 Jobs Report: Entering a New Phase of the Job Market
- Lessons from COVID-19 Aid to State and Local Governments for the Design of Federal Automatic Stabilizers
- Local Labor Market Impacts of the Energy Transition: Prospects and Policies
- Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism
- Manufacturing Resilience: The US Drive to Reorder Global Supply Chains
- March 2024 Jobs Report: Three Things to Know
- May 2024 CPI Report: Can the US Economy Have it All?
- May 2024 Jobs Report: Mixed Messages in the Job Market
- Middle-Class Redistribution: Tax and Transfer Policy for Most Americans
- New Insights for Innovation Policy
- New York Times: How to Get Americans to Love Capitalism Again
- Overcoming Pandemic-Induced Learning Loss
- Policies to Reintegrate Former Inmates Into the Labor Force
- Policy Options for Taxing the Rich
- Press Release: Why Drug Pricing Is Complicated
- Protectionism is Failing and Wrongheaded: An Evaluation of the Post-2017 Shift toward Trade Wars and Industrial Policy
- Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy
- Reforming Social Security for the Long Haul
- Restoring Economic Opportunity for “The People Left Behind”: Employment Strategies for Rural America
- Rising Childlessness is Driving the Decline in Birth Rates in the United States
- Scaling Apprenticeship to Increase Human Capital
- Science and Innovation: The Under-Fueled Engine of Prosperity
- Securing Our Economic Future
- Securing Our Economic Future: Foreword
- Securing Our Economic Future: Introduction
- Seven Recent Developments in US Science Funding
- State Capacity for Building Infrastructure
- Strengthening America’s Economic Dynamism
- Strengthening America’s Economic Dynamism
- Taskforce Report: Promoting Economic Recovery After COVID-19
- Technological Disruption in the US Labor Market
- The Causes and Consequences of Declining US Fertility
- The Challenges of Leveraging Online Education for Economically Vulnerable Mid-Career Americans
- The Economic Case for Smart Investing in America’s Youth
- The Economics of Medicare for All
- The Faltering Escalator of Urban Opportunity
- The Higher Wages Tax Credit
- The Hill Op-Ed: Emerging from the COVID-19 crisis as a better and more resilient society
- The Hill Op-Ed: How to fight poverty and boost work with an enhanced Child Tax Credit
- The Link Between Wages and Productivity Is Strong
- The Next Business Tax Regime: What Comes After the TCJA
- The Small Role of Ivy League Schools in US Higher Education
- The Surprising Resilience of Globalization: An Examination of Claims of Economic Fragmentation
- The Widening Economic and Social Gaps Between Young Men and Women
- TIME Magazine Op-Ed: Too Many High School Seniors Are Turning Away from College Altogether
- Top 12 Charts of 2024 from the AESG
- Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Policy Response to Current Challenges
- Walking the Tightrope: Variable Income and Limited Liquidity Among the US Middle Class
- Washington Post Op-Ed: Americans are being left behind. Here’s how we fix it.
- Washington Post Op-Ed: How to save millions of Americans from losing their homes
- Washington Post Op-Ed: What a successful economic recovery plan must look like
- Washington Post: Americans are being left behind. Here’s how we fix it.
- Wealth Taxation: An Overview of the Issues
- What Works in Career and Technical Education (CTE)? A Review of Evidence and Suggested Policy Directions
- What’s After the Downturn?
- Where Is China’s Economy Headed?
- Why and How to Expand US Immigration
- Why Crime Matters, and What to Do About It
- Why Drug Pricing Reform Is Complicated: A Primer and Policy Guide to Pharmaceutical Prices in the US
- Will Population Aging Push Us over a Fiscal Cliff?
- Will the climate incentives in the IRA be enough to meaningfully reduce emissions?