MEMBERS Timothy F. GeithnerCo-Chair, Aspen Economic Strategy GroupChairman, Warburg Pincus Melissa S. KearneyDirector, Aspen Economic Strategy GroupNeil Moskowitz Professor of Economics, University of Maryland Luke ParduePolicy DirectorAspen Economic Strategy Group Henry M. Paulson, Jr.Co-Chair, Aspen Economic Strategy GroupChairman, Paulson Institute Joshua BoltenCEOBusiness Roundtable Raphael W. BosticPresident and Chief Executive OfficerFederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Erskine BowlesCo-Chair Emeritus, Aspen Economic Strategy GroupPresident Emeritus, The University of North Carolina Erik BrynjolfssonJerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor and Senior FellowStanford University John H. CochraneRose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior FellowThe Hoover Institution at Stanford University Susan M. CollinsPresident and CEOFederal Reserve Bank of Boston Bob CorkerFormer U.S. SenatorTennessee Dave CoteExecutive ChairmanVertiv Holdings Raymond T. DalioFounder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater BoardBridgewater Associates Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.President EmeritusPurdue University Brian DeeseMIT Innovation FellowMassachusetts Institute of Technology Blair W. EffronCo-Founder & PartnerCenterview Partners Laurence D. FinkChairman and Chief Executive OfficerBlackRock Adena T. FriedmanChair and Chief Executive OfficerNasdaq, Inc. Michael FromanPresidentCouncil on Foreign Relations Jason FurmanAetna Professor of the Practice of Economic PolicyHarvard University Craig GarthwaiteHerman Smith Research Professor in Hospital and Health Services Management; Director of the Program on HealthcareNorthwestern Kellogg School of Management Edward L. GlaeserFred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of EconomicsHarvard University Austan D. GoolsbeePresident and CEOFederal Reserve Bank of Chicago Jonathan GrayPresident and Chief Operating OfficerBlackstone Keith HennesseyLecturer in EconomicsStanford Graduate School of Business Douglas Holtz-EakinPresidentAmerican Action Forum Glenn HubbardDean emeritus and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and EconomicsColumbia Business School Greg IpChief Economics Commentator and Deputy Economics EditorThe Wall Street Journal Neil IrwinChief Economic CorrespondentAxios Neel KashkariPresident and Chief Executive OfficerFederal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Maya MacGuineasPresidentCommittee for a Responsible Federal Budget N. Gregory MankiwRobert M. Beren Professor of EconomicsHarvard University Brian MoynihanChair of the Board and Chief Executive OfficerBank of America Ruth PoratPresident & Chief Investment OfficerAlphabet and Google Rob PortmanFormer United States Senator - OhioDistinguished Visiting Fellow in the Practice of Public Policy, American Enterprise Institute James PoterbaPresident and CEO, NBERMitsui Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Penny PritzkerFounder and ChairmanPSP Partners Steven RattnerChairman and CEOWillett Advisors LLC Virginia “Ginni” RomettyFormer Chairman, President & CEO, IBMCo-Chair, OneTen Robert E. RubinFormer U.S. Treasury Secretary; Co-Chairman EmeritusCouncil on Foreign Relations Paul RyanPartnerSolamere Capital Natasha SarinAssociate Professor of LawYale University Minouche ShafikMemberHouse of Lords Matthew J. SlaughterThe Paul Danos Dean of the Tuck School of Business; The Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International BusinessDartmouth College Brad SmithVice Chair and PresidentMicrosoft Andrew Ross SorkinColumnist & EditorThe New York Times & CNBC Robert K. SteelPartner and Vice ChairmanPerella Weinberg Partners Michael R. StrainDirector, Economic Policy Studies; Arthur F. Burns Scholar in Political EconomyAmerican Enterprise Institute Lawrence H. SummersPresident Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University ProfessorHarvard University Tom WilsonChair, President and Chief Executive OfficerThe Allstate Corporation Robert B. ZoellickChairTemasek Americas