
Robert Gordon

Deputy Director for Economic Mobility

White House Domestic Policy Council

Robert Gordon is the Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Mobility within the Domestic Policy Council at the White House. Robert has worked in key government positions across three decades.  Before his current role, he most recently served as Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources and Chief Financial Officer at HHS, leading several efforts to streamline grant and service delivery.  Previously, he served as director of the Department of Health & Human Services for the State of Michigan, playing a central role in the state’s pandemic response, expanding access to health care, and addressing racial disparities. During the Obama-Biden Administration, Robert served as an acting assistant secretary at the Department of Education, and as acting deputy director and executive associate director at the Office of Management & Budget.  Among other responsibilities, he guided key early childhood and evidence-based policy initiatives.  Earlier in his career, Robert served as a senior official at the New York City Department of Education, driving an equity-focused school finance reform; a senior aide on Capitol Hill; a law clerk for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; and a White House aide helping create the AmeriCorps program. He co-chaired the agency review team for the Department of Health and Human Services for the Biden-Harris Transition, and served on two transition teams previously.

Robert has also worked as senior counselor at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, senior vice president for strategy and finance at the College Board, and as law guardian for children in abuse and neglect proceedings for the Juvenile Rights Division of Legal Aid in the Bronx, New York. He has been a fellow at the University of Michigan, the Urban Institute, the Brookings Institution, and the Center for American Progress.  His writings on policy have been published in The New York Times, Politico, and The Atlantic.  He and his wife, Catherine Brown, have two sons.