Dan Silverman
Rondthaler Professor of Economics
Arizona State University
DAN SILVERMAN is the Rondthaler Professor of Economics at Arizona State University. Prof. Silverman studies public economics and has pioneered the use of financial aggregator data for economics research. Often linking these administrative data to traditional surveys, his work has contributed to how economists think about and measure the quality of decision-making, and his study of economic rationality won the Schmölders Prize in 2016. Prof. Silverman has studied several questions related to social insurance and his analysis of advantageous selection in the Medigap insurance market received the 2009 iHEA Arrow award for the best paper in health economics. He is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and co-editor of the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Prior to becoming an economist, Prof. Silverman led outreach programs for a Community Development Credit Union serving low-income communities in Newark, NJ. Prof. Silverman received a B.A. in political science from Williams College, a M.A. in Public Policy from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.